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mr back

美 [ˈmɪstər bæk]英 [ˈmɪstə(r) bæk]
  • 网络白先生
mr backmr back
  1. This has forced Mr Ghosn back to his old form .


  2. The sound of the seagulls carried Mr Smith back to his childhood holidays at the seaside .


  3. Considering that , the release of Mr Li back out into the wild , as his friends are hopeful will happen , would seem a sensible resolution .


  4. Lenovo brought Mr Liu back in February 2009 as chairman and replaced Bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Mr Yang , also a Lenovo veteran .


  5. Yahoo should take its technology and half a billion users , and try again to be a dominant online media company – the portal to the world envisioned by Mr Yang back in 1994 .


  6. The visit has exposed the fissures in South Korea 's polarised politics , with left-wingers hoping China will coax Mr Kim back to talks on dismantling his nuclear weapons .


  7. Mr Wu smiled back . Somehow , his story had touched them .


  8. One day , their father Mr Earnshaw came back from a long journey .


  9. Then Mr White came back into the living - room with a big , red-faced man .


  10. Next , Mr Obama could back the equalisation of tax on investment income and ordinary income .


  11. Instead of retiring quietly , Mr Grycan jumped back into the family business .


  12. So when Mr Osborne comes back from his summer holiday , he should deliver the following message .


  13. Mr Bloom looked back towards the choir . This piece of music is vintage Beatles .


  14. Not long after their Met triumph , Mr Glass went back to cab-driving in New York , struggling to make ends meet .


  15. Before she could decide , Mr Brooke came back in from the next room and puthis arms around her .


  16. Last week , as well as increasing the size of some of these ongoing programmes , Mr Bernanke went back to the textbooks .


  17. And who would have thought that Mr Bush would back the largest expansion of federal entitlement programmes since President Lyndon Johnson ?


  18. For his part , Mr Romney should back off his promise to brand China a currency manipulator , an invitation to a trade war .


  19. But the program won the first three games in the series , which began last Wednesday , before Mr Lee clawed back a victory on Sunday .


  20. Caught by surprise , Mr DiPascali blinked back tears as the marshals snapped on the handcuffs .


  21. Ms Merkel is trying hard to persuade Mr Cameron to back a German compromise that would cap EU spending at 1 per cent of European gross domestic product .


  22. Mr Cameron flew back from a trip to Africa on Tuesday night with aides insisting that suggestions he might resign over the affair were ridiculous .


  23. Yet Mr Levine hit back at Mr Buffett in a statement , insisting that Mr Sokol had done nothing illegal or in contravention of Berkshire policies .


  24. The shares , however , rallied later when details of the illness were published and the bank announced Mr Ackermann was back at work after visiting hospital on Wednesday night .


  25. Everybody expected Mr Hollande to back Ms Royal , but today Ms Trierweiler sparked outrage by using her Twitter account to post a message of support for Mr Falorni .


  26. The front door was open , and in the living-room Mrs White and Herbert felt the cold . Then Mr White came back into the living - room with a big , red-faced man .


  27. As Mr Kotick drew back the wand , observed by Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto , Nintendo 's chief games designer , a fish popped out of the pond .


  28. Mr Mott stepped back from day-to-day money management in 2003 , combining his official role as a strategic and thematic adviser with an unofficial one as mentor to a younger generation of CSAM managers .


  29. After racking up two consecutive quarters of losses , Lenovo made another decisive move : Mr Yang came back to replace Mr Amelio as chief executive , and Liu Chuanzhi , co-founder of Lenovo , returned as its chairman in February 2009 .


  30. Mr Laurence came back with Beth.He offered to go with Mrs March , but she wouldnt let the old gentleman make the long , tiring journey , although he could see that she would like to have somebody with her.He went away again , saying , Ill be back .
